I took full advantage of the opportunity to revise my drafts for both essays of project two. The first step I took was to read the peer revisions we had done in class. It was beneficial to see another person’s point of view of my both essays. The first revision I made was correcting the MLA format. The headings did not need to be double spaced and I needed to fix the header at the top of each page. In the peer revision it said that my thesis sentences were a little confusing and needed to be revised. For both essays I revised the thesis sentences to make it correlate with the rest of the essay. Also, the introduction and conclusion paragraphs needed to be connected to each other and I repeated my thesis sentence in a different way in the conclusions. Next, I corrected any spelling or grammatical errors I saw and omitted unnecessary words. In the magazine essay I flip flopped two paragraphs to make it more organized and easier to understand. Also, my quotes were not properly integrated and needed additional revising. After completing these revisions I switch around sentences and added in details to make it easier to read. Finally I read each of the essays out loud to myself to hear if there were any further corrections that needed to be made.
Here is a website for revision strategies: