The new Blackberry Storm |
This evaluation criticizes the new Blackberry known as the Storm. I personally have never had a blackberry so I did not experience the problems first hand. However, I have a couple friends who have complained about this new phone, which in my opinion should have never reached the market. My friends say that it’s extremely hard to text on this new phone. This is one of the points David Pogue makes in his evaluation. The buttons and screen are very touch sensitive. This makes it hard to send an e-mail or even a text message. My friends also told me that there is a delayed reaction when you turn the phone sideways for access to the keyboard. Also, the Storm’s commands are too close together, which increases room for error. This is not a practical phone because it creates problems rather than fixes problems. This phone does not compare or match up to other phones on the market and it’s just a matter of time until it is taken off. I believe a lot of people will be returning their Blackberry Storms in exchange for a new phone.
Here is the website with the article I read:
No Keyboard? And You Call This a Blackberry? by David Pogue